“He Is Not Here – BUT IS RISEN”

3 April 2021

Eddie Rowlands

Luke 24 v1-12.

The women came to the tomb with spices to embalm the body of Jesus. In Mark’s record (Mark 16 v3) they wondered who would help them roll the stone away from the entrance. When they got there they found it was already rolled away, and the tomb empty! Two men, in shining clothes, greeted them: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, he is risen... “. In a short time, the almost unbelievable news spread, and over the next forty days, Jesus met several times with his disciples. Luke, in the Book of Acts, reports that Jesus “presented himself alive after His suffering, by many infallible proofs” – Acts 1 v1-3.

He talked, walked, and worked miracles. He has never stopped. He is alive today; by the Spirit and by his Word, he still talks, and according to his promise, still walks with us; never leaving us nor forsaking us. By the power of the Holy Spirit, he still works miracles. All over the world, today, people just like us are rejoicing in the power of the resurrection, and in the truth of his declaration “Because I live, you will live also” – John 14 v19.

In 1 Corinthians 15 v3-8 Paul declares that “He died for our sins, he was buried and rose again the third day. After that, he was seen by Peter, then by the rest of the twelve, then by over 500 at once, then by James and others of the Apostles”. Those first disciples and many other believers have since given their lives for their unshakable faith in the resurrection of Christ. On the day of Pentecost, Peter boldly declared that God raised up Jesus of Nazareth, “having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be held by it…” – Acts 2 v22-23.

Yes – He lives! They tried to shut Him up and ‘lock Him down’ but death could not hold Him. Praise Him! As the restrictions of our ‘Lockdown’ begin to lift we give thanks for resurrection life that has kept us praising, kept us praying, and kept us in fellowship. By His grace, power, and risen presence we can press on into a hope-filled future.

Rejoice today in resurrection blessings and fullness of life in Christ.


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