Praise God! “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new”. We are forgiven and accepted by the Father into His family. We move on with new hope and new life, as one translation puts it “the old has gone and the new has come!” We have new confidence and new boldness, unashamedly testifying to our new life in Christ. We can say with Paul “…I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ…”. As someone once said, “I belong to the Fellowship of the Unashamed”. Let’s consider three basics of the Gospel we unashamedly believe in.
- THE BLOOD OF CHRIST – 1 Peter 1 v2 we are “not redeemed with corruptible things… but with the precious blood of Christ…“. Our standing in God through Christ does not depend on how much we have or what we have done; it depends on our trust in what Christ has done. Paul says “I am determined to know nothing among you but Jesus Christ and him crucified” – 1 Corinthians 2 v2.
- THE CROSS – The cross was the ultimate punishment, the ultimate shame. Hebrews 12 v2 “He endured the Cross despising the shame”. Anything I’ve ever done that I feel bad about or ashamed of – Jesus took it to the Cross. Anything that anyone else has done to me that I feel bad about – Jesus took it to the cross. Anything that I am scared of or embarrassed about – Jesus took it to the cross. The Cross means that I can have a lifestyle that speaks of what God has done for me. The Cross means that I can live free from guilt, and unashamed.
- THE FULL CLEAR MESSAGE OF THE GOSPEL – Both the lives we live and the words we speak are a witness to our faith in Jesus Christ as our Saviour. The message of the Gospel is that Jesus died for us and rose again. He lives today to save us, to heal us, to bless us, and to fill us with His Spirit. Praise God for the full clear message of the Gospel. We are not ashamed to believe it, to live it, and to share it.
Be blessed, encouraged, and unashamed!