My Mindset Matters!

4 September 2021

Eddie Rowlands

“Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus” – Philippians 2 v5.

Some days ago a Facebook friend posted a comment that was challenging to say the least. It said simply, “Think as Jesus thought”. That got me thinking! The challenge is well backed up in the Word of God; the Bible. For example, we have the well-known verse quoted above: “Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus”. In the previous verses, Paul is urging the Christians at Philippi to “have the same love” to “be of one accord” and, to be “like-minded”. To put it plainly; to have the same ‘mindset’ that Jesus had.

Paul is talking about how Jesus was willing to give up His heavenly glory, to humble Himself, to become a man, and to die on a cross. He came to earth with a mission, and with a mind set on doing the will of his Father. His mindset mattered, and our mindsets matter too. If we are to think like Jesus thought, then we have to study him. We have to study his words and study his actions. Remember – we have a personal invitation from him to do just that. “Come to me, all you who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” – Matthew 11 v28,29.

Praise him! Everything the Father wants us to know about his Son is there for us to learn and to do; the way he spoke, the way he prayed, and the way he interacted with people of every social and cultural level. Jesus and his disciples lived in a rapidly changing world, and so do we. They lived in a very needy world, and so do we. People were fearful and ‘heavy laden’ then and they are today. People needed ‘rest’ then, and they do now.

That is why our ‘mindset’ matters; and letting the mind of Christ be in us, is what matters most! So, by his grace let’s “prepare our minds for action” – 1 Peter 1 v13 (NIV). Loving one another as he loves us, reaching out together with the giftings he has blessed each one of us with, and, with one heart and mind bring rest, peace, and comfort to everyone we meet.

Be blessed, as together we learn from Jesus how to think as he does.


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