Whatever Your Circumstances, Don’t Lose Your Vision

5 April 2023

Eddie Rowlands

Philippians 3:12 “…but I press on”

I read the other day that someone asked a blind man who was a Christian how he manages now since he had lost his sight. He said “I may have lost my sight but I haven’t lost my vision,” I thought that was good! I thought; yes Lord – I may have lost some physical abilities due to increasing age, but I have unlimited spiritual abilities. I can’t run far in the ‘flesh’ but I can still ‘press on’ in the Spirit. Praise God I can reach out in prayer and touch places I can no longer easily go.

I have some very good friends who are quite limited physically. Life is a struggle for them, but when we get to speak to each other they are full of praise to the God of their salvation. They themselves may not be able to move so far so quickly, but they move me! At the end of the day, it’s our spiritual vision that counts. We are still warriors in the battle and runners in the race. We can still be stirred and stir up others with words of encouragement and blessing. 

Remember; it’s not the years in our life that count as much as the life in our years. We can still lift up our eyes and see the fields that are still ripe for harvest and pray to the Lord of the harvest that he will send labourers into His harvest. Let’s say with that blind man, I may have lost some natural abilities, but in the Spirit, I can fly like an eagle. Paul, in prison, said “I press on” Caleb at 85 years old said “Give me this mountain” Joshua 14:12.

Whatever our age or circumstances, it is the spiritual vision that motivates us to serve the Lord with all our might. You may be a young person. If so, get a ‘vision’ for your life now, and ‘go for it’. The Word says, “…Your young men shall see visions”. Pray for it; lay hold of it and it will lay hold of you.  

Be blessed with ongoing spiritual vision.


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