Wisdom For The Asking

26 June 2021

Eddie Rowlands

“God appeared to Solomon and said “Ask! What shall I give you” And Solomon said to God: “ You have shown great mercy to David my father ….. Now give me wisdom and knowledge” – 2 Chronicles 1 v7-10.

It says of Jesus that he “increased in wisdom and stature, and favour with God” Luke 2 v52. In Acts 6 v3 the two qualifications of those chosen to serve in practical issues in the church were that they should be “Full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom”.

When Solomon was faced with the task of being King it was an awesome responsibility. The Kingdom was settled and united under his father’s rule, but there were still matters of political intrigue to deal with. Solomon, a young man in his early 20’s most certainly needed wisdom.

He did what we should all do in times of change or come to a crossroads in our lives. He prayed. Yes, he went to the place of meeting, and there before the altar, he prayed. At night in a dream, God appeared to him and told him to ask for anything he wanted. Solomon was aware of his weaknesses. He asked for what he needed most, wisdom. God answered and gave him the wisdom he asked for, with an overflowing plus of riches, honour, and power.

Praise God that the same wisdom that God gave Solomon in answer to prayer is ours today. James is writing to people, Christians just like us, who were going through a time of trial. It was a test of their faith, but it was producing patience and maturity in their lives. To fully understand that, they needed the wisdom that comes from God.

Times of trial and change call for wisdom, and by God’s grace we can have it to guide us through every trial and circumstance. Paul tells the Colossian Christians that in Christ “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom…”. In my own life and in fellowship with others I can seek God for wisdom in the way ahead. In Christ, “the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere” James 3 v17.

Praise God! For every situation, there is wisdom for the asking.

Be blessed as you ask.


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