The Heart’s Journey

Finding God in the Desire He Plants

In every heart, there exists a deep longing for something more—a desire that cannot be satisfied by the world. This is the work of God, who lovingly plants a hunger for Himself within us as an invitation to seek Him. Throughout the Bible, we see His promise that those who seek Him will find Him. In this post, we’ll explore how God not only gives us this desire but also sanctifies, intensifies, and fulfils it, all while inviting us to act in faith.

1. God Gives Us a Desire for Himself

The longing we feel for something greater – something transcendent – is not a coincidence; it is a divine gift. God places within every human heart a desire for Himself, a spiritual restlessness that can only be stilled by His presence. This desire is part of our very design, created by God to draw us closer to Him.

As Augustine famously said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” This restlessness is a beacon, pointing us toward our Creator. The desire we feel is an invitation to know Him personally.

Key Scripture: “I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him?” – Psalm 42:2.

2. God Will Sanctify That Desire

As we begin to seek God, He purifies and sanctifies the desire He has given us. Our initial longing for Him may be clouded by selfish motives or worldly influences, but God, in His grace, refines our hearts. He transforms our desire from a general longing for something greater to a deep, personal desire for Him alone.

In this process, God teaches us to love Him for who He is, not just for what He can give us. This sanctification of our desire allows us to approach God with a pure heart, eager to experience His love and grace.

Key Scripture: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” – Matthew 5:8.

3. God Will Intensify That Desire

As we seek God more earnestly, the desire He has placed within us grows stronger. The more we experience His presence, the more we long for Him. This increasing hunger for God is evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit within us, drawing us closer to the heart of the Father.

As we grow in our relationship with God, our desire for Him intensifies, propelling us into deeper intimacy and greater faith. A.W. Tozer puts it beautifully: “The more we grow in our love of God, the more we desire Him. The more we find Him, the more we seek Him. It is the hunger that is never fully satisfied until we see Him face to face.”

Key Scripture: “As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.” – Psalm 42:1.

4. God Invites Us to Act on That Desire

God doesn’t just give us a desire for Him; He actively invites us to respond to it. This is the step where seeking meets action. The longing He plants in us is not passive – it compels us to draw near to Him in prayer, worship, and through the study of His Word. God invites us to pursue Him with our whole heart, promising that we will find Him when we do.

This invitation requires us to trust in His faithfulness, knowing that He will meet us as we seek Him. Acting on our desire for God is an act of faith, and it is in that faith that we encounter the fullness of His presence. Charles Spurgeon remarked: “The nearer you go to God, the nearer God will come to you.”

Key Scripture: “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” – James 4:8.

5. God Will Satisfy That Desire

The ultimate promise God gives is that He will meet the desire He has stirred within us. Those who earnestly seek Him will not be disappointed. God delights in revealing Himself to His children, and when we seek Him wholeheartedly, we find the peace, joy, and fulfilment that only He can provide.

This is the promise we hold onto, that the God who gives us a desire for Himself will always meet us, fulfil us, and satisfy the deepest longings of our souls.

Key Scripture: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” – Psalm 34:8.

God’s invitation to seek Him is a profound expression of His love for us. He gives us the desire, sanctifies it, intensifies it, and invites us to pursue Him with faith. And the most beautiful part of this journey is that God always fulfils His promise – He will meet us when we seek Him. May we continue to seek Him with all our hearts, knowing that in Him, we will find all that we truly need.

