In this morning’s message, and continuing with the theme of ‘Pressing On’, Eddie looked at the whole of chapter three pointing out the three direct exhortations that Paul gives to the Philippian Church. These are three steps that help us in our desire to press on and ‘reach out to those things that are before’.
- To press on we need to have a grateful heart and “Rejoice in the Lord” verse one. Paul was able to rejoice in the Lord even in the most difficult circumstances. He lists some of them in 2 Corinthians v11.
- To press on we need to be aware of dangers. In verse two he gives a stern warning of things that may hold us back and burden us. Eddie listed some of the dangers we need to look out for today, and how we need to pray as David did “Search me O Lord and see if there is any unclean way in me”
- Finally, Paul tells them that in order to press on they need to follow his example. We are not simply natural people with natural ambitions, but we are also spiritual people with spiritual ambitions.
Eddie summaries these three steps as;
- Hindsight – gratitude for what God has done for us in the past.
- Insight – looking at our lives and putting off anything that could be a hindrance.
- Foresight – that is following his example and reaching out to those things that are before.